HUMS Major Wins Wrexham

June 3, 2021

Serena Cho (HUMS ‘21) was awarded the Wrexham Prize for the best senior essay in the field of the social sciences for Making Better Citizens: The Often Overlooked Role of Local Journalism in Facilitating Democracy. 

Ms. Cho’s essay questions recent discourses about the threat that misinformation poses on democracy. Instead of only focusing on the media’s role as a provider of information, she argues that we should examine how the media can facilitate formative interactions among citizens and cultivate civic habits. Through close engagement with the works of John Dewey, Walter Lippman, Aristotle, and Alexis de Tocqueville, she creates a set of criteria for evaluating the efficacy of media in achieving these ends and explores how local media outlets are fulfilling these important functions.
Next year, Ms. Cho will be reading for an M.Phil in Political Thought and Intellectual History at Cambridge University, on a Paul Mellon Fellowship.