Paul Grimstad

Paul Grimstad


Paul Grimstad is Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Humanities program. He writes regularly for The Believer, BookforumLondon Review of BooksThe New Yorker, n+1, The Paris Review, Music and Literature, The New RepublicTimes Literary Supplement and other journals and magazines. His “Miles the Mercurial” was a notable selection for Best American Essays of 2021 (ed. Kathryn Schulz). His next book Interested in Everything and Nothing Else: On the Polymath is under advance contract with Princeton University Press.

He is the author of Experience and Experimental Writing: Literary Pragmatism from Emerson to the Jameses (Oxford, 2013) which was recently the focus of a symposium in the journal Nonsite, and has contributed chapters to the Oxford Handbook to Edgar Allan Poe, Melville’s Philosophies, Stanley Cavell and Literary Studies, the Oxford History of the Novel, and to forthcoming volumes The Jamesian Mind and The New Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. While an assistant professor of English at Yale he received the Sarai Ribicoff ’79 teaching prize for “instruction and character that reflect the qualities of independence, innovation, and originality.” He has taught literature and philosophy at NYU, Columbia and Yale.

Some Recent Writing 

On Audiobooks

On Iris Murdoch and Linguistic Philosophy 

On Thelonious Monk

Talking with Donald Fagen

On Henry and William James

On Lewis Carroll and the Number 42


Directed Studies: Philosophy 

The Detective Story: Solving Mysteries from Oedipus to Sherlock 

Thought Experiments: Connecting Literature, Philosophy and the Natural Sciences

Contact Info

HQ 106, 320 York St, New Haven, CT 06511